Friday, July 31, 2009

Batch File Help!!?

I made a batch file to copy a file from one place to another but it keeps saying that the file does not exist!

But, if I go to the file through CMD and type "dir" I see it. I'm thinking that my syntax is wrong. This is my Batch File:

::This file was created to move the .class files

::from their original folders to the jdk folder

::for testing.

@echo off

IF EXIST %1 GOTO :success



copy %1 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin\newjava.class

GOTO :end


echo File found...beginning transfer

GOTO :file_transfer


echo File not found!

GOTO :final


echo File Transfer completed.


REM This is just the end of the file.

Okay os that didn't work so I tried going into CMD and typing:

copy C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin\workspace\HelloW... C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin

So that isn't working etheir. HELP!!

oh and I also wanted to know how to take input in a batch file and store it as a variable.

Batch File Help!!?
I think you have to put qoutes around the the statement if it has spaces in the name.

I.E. "copy c:\program files\java...."
Reply:Your peroblem is this line:

copy %1 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin\newjav...

The delimiter in the CSI (command string interpreter) is a space not enclosed in quotes, so you're copying the file to C:\Program, which probably doesn't exist. (If %1 is in the same form - a path with a space - you'll have the same problem at the first space.)

Gotos are just fine in batch files - you don't have much choice if what you're doing isn't linear (if it has to make choices).
Reply:You've just shown the world why GOTO's are horrid and a very bad practice. Granted, this is a very simple script, but why don't you try Perl? It's free and far more powerful.

In any case, if you needed to store a variable, which shouldn't be necessary in this case, just use the SET command to store it as a local environment variable. I would make sure that a) you delete it when you're done and b) you don't overwrite an existing environment variable.
Reply:you have to put quotes around the statement

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