Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How do i install BORLAND c ++ verson 3.0 on my computer..?

i have downloaded it.

i can also run it.

but the error is shown in the file #include%26lt;stdio.h%26gt; (declaration syntax error)

so what is the correct procedure to install it..

How do i install BORLAND c ++ verson 3.0 on my computer..?
It sounds like the install either failed to transfer the "stdio.h" header file or corrupted it. Three things to check when a new install does this:

1. Open the directory it is installed to and find the directory called 'includes'. If you can't find this directory at all, it's really messed up and you'll have to install fresh. If it is there and has no files in it, same verdict. Open that directory and then VERY cautiously open the stdio.h into an editor without changing anything. If it doesn't exist, then this file is lost. If it is empty or a bunch of garbage in it, it is corrupted. In either of the last two cases, you may be able to transplant this file from the originals in the download.

2. Poke around in the directory path options to see if it is setup to the exact path you had to take to get to the header files. If it isn't, change it to match and be sure it saves the changes. Help will have the exact procedures, I'd think.

3. Double check your code to make sure you aren't the victim of a really close typo. Any letters off and it will tell you that it is not finding so and so in whatever header file is the first to be included, even if that has nothing to do with the problem, though usually the compiler error shows what imaginary function you may have invented with the typo.

I hope that these three steps can resolve your problem. Pivy.

flower show

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