Sunday, August 2, 2009

Beginner Bash scripting question? FASTEST CORRECT ANSWER GETS BEST ANSWER ***?

This is my script, I am trying to write a script to take a PID as a parameter, and display the parent PID of it, and the parent PID of its parent PID, all the way until I get back to process 1. Basically, showing the lineage of any PID back to process 1. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong.


if [ ! -d /proc/$1/ ]; then

echo "That is not a valid PID"

elif [ ! $# -eq 1 ]; then

echo "I need one PID parameter"


echo $1

helper $1


function helper{

declare -i TEMPVAR=$(grep "PPid" /proc/$1/status | cut -c 7-)


if [ ! $TEMPVAR -eq 1 ]; then

helper $TEMPVAR



This is my first attempt at a function, and when I try to run the script I get

line 9: helper: command not found

line 13: syntax error near unexpected token 'declare'

line 13: 'declare -i TEMPVAR=$(grep blah blah)'

Please Help!!! First correct answer gets best answer.

Beginner Bash scripting question? FASTEST CORRECT ANSWER GETS BEST ANSWER ***?

if [ ! -d /proc/$1/ ]; then

echo "That is not a valid PID"



if [ ! $# -eq 1 ]; then

echo "I need one PID parameter"



# specified pid:

echo $1

# next pid up the tree:

TEMPVAR=$(grep "PPid" /proc/$1/status | cut -c 7-)

while [ ! "$TEMPVAR" = "1" ]; do

TEMPVAR=$(grep "PPid" /proc/$TEMPVAR/status | cut -c 7-)



curse of the golden flower

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