Sunday, August 2, 2009

Does anyone know how to make a Windows 2000 boot disk that opens a command prompt instead of loading Windows?

Here's the situation: I have a command-line utility that I need to use to upgrade the BIOS on my motherboard. It needs to run from a bootable floppy diskette. An emergency boot disk won't work. Making a recovery disk doesn't work either. The closest I've gotten thus far...

1) Format the floppy.

2) Copy the following hidden system files from C:\ to A:\




The trouble seems to be in the boot.ini file, which is of course pointing to the Windows installation on the hard drive. I'm guessing I'll need an additional file at least (the command line processor) and the proper syntax in boot.ini to get it working.

Does anyone know how to make a Windows 2000 boot disk that opens a command prompt instead of loading Windows?
you cant make a simple boot disk for windows 2000 or xp because the hard drive format is NTFS, but to just flash your bios you don't need to access your hard drive so you can use any windows 98 boot disk

you should be able to download a boot disk from

id recommend the driver free boot disk for bios flashing

create the boot disk floppy and then add your flash program and bios image to the floppy and reboot, make sure you change the boot order in your bios to check the floppy first.

alternately you may find a boot CD somewhere online or you can create a bootable CD from some CD writing programs and add your flash program to that.

but id recommend you stick with the driver free boot floppy from

good luck

hope this helps

Reply:i knkow how to make one email me and ill tell you
Reply:Hi there, Grummsh, I'm not sure if I can hand out any help since I'm too far away, but I've found a great Windows url for you to check. It's like goldmine to me.

It has you just name it, boot disk from DOS 5.0 until NT 4.0 and up to Win2K. Yes. A goldmine to me.

I hope this info may help you.

I never tested before but wish I could have a moderate pc to install DOS (yes laugh if you want to) just for remembering the days of glory.



(PS: Please inform me if you succeeded)

Check with All Boot disks

Some info on 2K but it referring to NT4 file lists

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